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Durga Mantra 1.0
Goddess Durga MantrasThe Chanting of the Goddess name protects Her devotees from theevil forces of selfishness, jealousy, hatred, anger and ego.Whiledoing the worship a devotee different types of spiritualexperiences, which he or she should not tell to anyone. These arethe positive indications of blessings of goddess Durga. The worshipof Goddess Durga removes the effect of all types of black magic,unfavourable effect of negative planets, Bad luck, health problems,problems due to enemies etc.We have 5 great and most powerful Mantras of Goddess Durga withtheir particular meaning.We have an information part also which contains Benefits,Chanting Time, Charity, Fasting Days, Worship and Durga powers.
Vishnu Mantar 1.0
God Vishnu Mantra.Lord Vishnu looks after the life on earth. Godess Lakshmi is hiswife. At different times he has appeared on earth in differentforms and helped the people. Lord Vishnu pooja protects, giveprosperity, knowledge and devotion. He is worshipped for happinessand prosperity in life.We have a great and most powerful Mantra of God Vishnu with itsparticular meaning.We have an information part also which contains Benefits,Chanting Time, Charity, Fasting Days, Worship and Vishnupowers.
Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra 1.1
Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra for Lord Shiva !The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra was found by Rishi Markandeya. Itwas a secret mantra, and Rishi Markandeya was the only one in theworld who knew this mantra.It is also called the Rudra mantra, referring to the furiousaspect of Lord Shiva; the Tryambakam mantra, alluding to Shiva'sthree eyes; and it is sometimes known as the Mrita-Sanjivini mantrabecause it is a component of the "life-restoring" practice given tothe primordial sage Sukracharya after he had completed anexhausting period of austerity. Its Devata is Rudra or Lord Shivain his fiercest and most destructive roopa or aspect.
Durga Mantar 1.0
Goddess Durga Mantra!The Chanting of the Goddess name protects Her devotees from theevil forces of selfishness, jealousy, hatred, anger and ego.In this application you will have Mantra and their Meaning inHindi with various repeat options for Mantra only.There is an information part also which contains the informationabout the Goddess Durga with their doings and non doings, charityor donation, fasting, benefits.
Shiv Mantar 1.0
Lord Shiva!This application contains the greatest Mantra of Lord Shivawhich is in Sanskrit language. There is the meaning of thatparticular mantra also which is described in Hindi language.So if a user have any problem dosha or anter dasha regarding GodShiva than he/she can chant this mantra for the worship of lordshiva.There is an information part which contains the Benefits,Charity, Fasting, Pooja, Times to chant and Best Chanting time.
BudhGraha Mantra 1.0
Budh Graha or Mercury Planet!This Application have all the major mantras of Budh Graha orMercury Planet. So if any one have any probem related to his/herdasa, antardasa or worship Lord Vishnu then chant these mantrasaccording to their preference. Here a user can have five majorMantras of Budh or Mercury Planet with their meaning. So it will bevery helpful and easy for users to chant these mantras. Here wehave a information part also where you can find the moreinformation about Budha or Mercury Planet. All the doing and nondoings during dasa or antradasa of Budha Graha you find here. InInformation part we have Fasting Day, Pooja or worship, ChantingTimes and their Benefits.Key Words :Budha Mantra,Budha Graha Mantra,Navgrah Mantra,vasstore
Vishnu Mantra 1.0
God Vishnu Mantra.Lord Vishnu looks after the life on earth. Godess Lakshmi is hiswife. At different times he has appeared on earth in differentforms and helped the people. Lord Vishnu pooja protects, giveprosperity, knowledge and devotion. He is worshipped for happinessand prosperity in life.We have 5 great and most powerful Mantras of God Vishnu withtheir particular meaning.We have an information part also which contains Benefits,Chanting Time, Charity, Fasting Days, Worship and Vishnupowers.
NavGraha Mantra 1.0
Nav Graha or Nine Planet Mantras !“Navgrah Mantra is the mantra of the 9 planets. In other words,Navgrah Mantra is used to please the planets and influence thempositively. The effects of Navgrah or nine planets can be clearlyseen on a person’s life. By chanting these powerful mantras one cancalm down these planets. Navgrah stotra is one such compilation ofmantras. By reading this stotra, Navgrah can be calmed down andremove all the obstacles and all the negative conditions in thelife.”Here we have the Mantras and Meaning of the Mantra of all theGraha with repetition of Mantra like (1, 5, 7, 11, 21, 51, 108)times with two categories Beeja Mantra and Stotra.Here you will have the Beeja Mantra ans Stotra of all Nine Grahaor Planet:Surya or Sun PlanetChandra or Moon PlanetMangla or Mars PlanetBudha or Mercury PlanetBrihaspati or Jupiter PlanetShukra or Venus PlanetShani or Saturn PlanetRahu GrahaKetu GrahaYou will have information part too for every Graha for thesolution of their Maha Dosha or Antra Dasha. So you will find hereall the doings and non doings for all these planets.So we are providing you a complete package of Navgraha solutionswith their Mantras. So enjoy the app!
MangalGraha Mantra 1.0
Mangla or Mangal Graha or Mars Planet isbasically a part of Navgraha.For Mangal or Mars related problems and during the dasa orantardasa of Mars worship the ruling deities Kartikeya and Shiva.So if a person has any dosha of Mangal Graha then he/she will haveto chants the mantras of Guru or Mangal Graha. This is a greatremedial mantra for Mangal dosha and helps one to be brave andalert. It also increases determination and drive as well asprotects one from violence. Praying to the planetary deity Mangalalso eases legal difficulties.This application also including the information part where a usercan get the solutions of his/her problem regarding that particulargraha.Key Words :Mangal Graha Mantra,Mangal,Graha,Mangal Graha,Navgraha,vasstore.
Brihaspati Graha Mantra 1.1
Brihaspati or Guru Graha or Jupiter Planet isbasically a part of Navgraha.For Guru or Jupiter related problems and during the dasa orantardasa of Guru, worship Lord Shiva. So if a person has any doshaof Brihaspati Graha then he/she will have to chants the mantras ofGuru or Brihaspati Graha. The Guru Gayathri mantra if chantedreligiously, gives greatest improvement in education and high levelof intellect. It also helps to increase satisfactions andfacilitates marriage and childbirth.In this application you will find the great collection ofBrihaspati Mantras with their Beeja Mantra and Stotra. All Mantrasare having their particular meanings so you will find the audioclips for that.This application also including the information part where auser can get the solutions of his/her problem regarding thatparticular graha.Key Words:Brihaspati Graha Mantra,Brihaspati,Graha,Navgraha Mantra,Navgraha,vasstore.
Surya Mantra 1.0
Surya Graha or Sun Planet ! For Surya or Sun related troubles andduring the dasa or antardasa of sun, worship the ruling deity LordShiva and Recite Aditya Hridaya stotra daily or Gayatri Mantradaily. If a user has any dosha related to Surya Graha then you canfind a complete solution for it. The effect of this Gayathri mantramakes one bold and courageous. Recitation of this mantra also helpsto improve one's eyesight and cures any eye related diseases. Thisapplication also including the information part where a user canget the solutions of his/her problem regarding that particulargraha. Key Words: Surya Mantra, Surya Graha, Surya, Graha,Navgraha, vasstore.
Surya Graha Mantra 1.1
Surya Graha or Sun Planet !For Surya or Sun related troubles and during the dasaorantardasa of sun, worship the ruling deity Lord Shiva andReciteAditya Hridaya stotra daily or Gayatri Mantra daily. If auser hasany dosha related to Surya Graha then you can find acompletesolution for it. The effect of this Gayathri mantra makesone boldand courageous. Recitation of this mantra also helps toimproveone's eyesight and cures any eye related diseases.In this application you will find the great collection ofSuryaMantras with their Beeja Mantra and Stotra. All Mantras arehavingtheir particular meanings so you will find the audio clipsforthat.This application also including the information part where ausercan get the solutions of his/her problem regarding thatparticulargraha.Key Words:Surya Graha Mantra,Surya Graha,Surya,Graha,Navgraha,vasstore.
Shiv Mantra 1.0
Lord Shiva!For the users who believe in Lord Shiva we have this great app.This application contains the greatest Mantras of Lord Shiva whichis in Sanskrit language with their meaning which are described inHindi language.We have a great mantra collection of God Shiva. So if a userhave any problem dosha or anter dasha regarding God Shiva thanhe/she can chant these mantras for the worship of lord shiva.There is an information part which contains the Benefits,Charity, Fasting, Pooja, Times to chant and Best Chanting time.
Gayatri Mantra 1.1
Gayatri Mantra !This application has basic Gayatri Mantra with itsmeaning.Gayatri Devi has this mantra. The meaning of this mantraislike:We meditate upon the spiritual effulgence of that adorablesupremedivine realityWho is the source of the physical, the astral and theheavenlyspheres of existence.May that supreme divine being enlighten our intellect, so thatwemay realise the supreme truth.Enjoy the Mantra Application.
Ganesh Mantras 1.0
God Ganesha Mantra!Ganesha, also spelled Ganesa and Ganesh, also known asPillaiyar,Ganapati and Vinayaka, is one of the best-known and mostwidelyworshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon. His image isfoundthroughout India and Nepal. Hindu sects worship him regardlessofaffiliations.Devotion to Ganesha is widely diffused and extendstoJains, Buddhists, and beyond India.There are most powerful and great mantras of Lord Ganesha.In this application you will have Mantras and their MeaninginHindi with various repeat options for Mantra only.There is an information part also which contains theinformationabout the God Ganesha with their doings and non doings,charity ordonation, fasting, benefits.
Ketu Graha Mantra 1.1
Ketu Graha Mantras!This Application have all the major mantras of Ketu Graha. Soifany one have any problem related to his/her dasa, antardasaorworship Lord Gaesha then chant these mantras according totheirpreference. Here a user can have five major Mantras of Ketuwiththeir meaning. So it will be very helpful and easy for userstochant these mantras. Here we have a information part also whereyoucan find the more information about Ketu Graha. You can findallthe Mantras of Ketu with its Bejja Mantra and Stotra. All thedoingand non doings during dasa or antradasa of Ketu Graha youfindhere. In Information part we have Fasting Day, Pooja orworship,Chanting Times and their Benefits.So it is a complete package for user in a little amount.Key Words:Ketu Graha Mantra,Ketu Graha,Ketu,Graha,Navgraha,vasstore.
Rahu Graha Mantra 1.1
Rahu Graha is basically a part of Navgraha.For Rahu related problems and during the dasa or antardasaofRahu, worship Bhairava or lord Shiva. Recite theKalabhairavasthakam. So if a person has any dosha of Rahu Grahathen he/shewill have to chants the mantras of Rahu Graha. Prayersdone toappease Rahu will help in granting favours from government,victoryover enemies, and reduction in diseases caused by Rahu.ThisGayathri mantra is also one of the remedial mantra for KalaSarpadosha.In this application you will find the great collection ofRahuMantras with their Beeja Mantra and Stotra. All Mantras arehavingtheir particular meanings so you will find the audio clipsforthat.This application also including the information part where ausercan get the solutions of his/her problem regarding thatparticulargraha.Key Words:Rahu Graha Mantra,Rahu Graha,Rahu,Graha,Navgraha,vasstore.
Shukar Graha Mantra 1.1
Shukar Graha or Venus Planet !For Shukra or Venus related problems and during the dasaorantardasa of Venus, worship Devi. Recite Shree Sooktam orDevistuti or Durga chalisa. If user have any dosha related toShukarGraha then he/she will find a complete solution for thatdoshahere. Chanting this mantra gives one pleasureable life,goodmarriage, and avoids Kalashtra (marriage) dosha. Also canbechanted for successful business progress.In this application you will find the great collection ofShukarMantras with their Beeja Mantra and Stotra. All Mantras arehavingtheir particular meanings so you will find the audio clipsforthat.This application also including the information part where ausercan get the solutions of his/her problem regarding thatparticulargraha.Key Words:Shukar Graha Mantra,Shukar Graha,Navgraha,vasstore.
Chander Graha Mantra 1.1
Chander Graha or Moon Planet !For Chandra or Moon related problems and during the dasaorantardasa of Moon worship the ruling deity Gouri. Inthisapplication you will find all the collections of ChanderGrahaMantras which are required for dosha of Chander. You canfindinformation part of this graha with all required pooja,fasting,benefits and chanting times.This mantra helps to beautifies the body as well as improveone'simage. Also improves mental health and to increaseaffection.This application have great collection of Mantras with itsBeejaMantra and Stotra.Key Words:Chander Graha Mantra,Chander Graha,Graha,Chander,vasstore.
Budh Graha Mantra 1.1
This Application have all the major mantras of Budh Graha orMercury Planet. So if any one have any probem related to his/herdasa, antardasa or worship Lord Vishnu then chant these mantrasaccording to their preference. Here a user can have five majorMantras of Budh or Mercury Planet with their meaning. So it will bevery helpful and easy for users to chant these mantras. Here wehave a information part also where you can find the moreinformation about Budha or Mercury Planet. All the doing and nondoings during dasa or antradasa of Budha Graha you find here. InInformation part we have Fasting Day, Pooja or worship, ChantingTimes and their Benefits. So it is a complete package for user in alittle amount. Key words to find out: Budha Mantra, Budha GrahaMantra, Navgrah Mantra, vasstore, Budh, Graha
Shani Graha Mantra 1.1
Shani Graha or Saturn Planet !For Shani or Saturn related problems and during the dasaorantardasa of Shani, worship Lord Hanuman. Recite Hanuman chalisaorany other Hanuman stotra. If a user have any dosha of ShaniGrahathe he/she can chant the Mantras of Shani Graha which weareproviding here in our application. Chanting this mantra reducestheimpact of the unfavourable Shani periods. This planetary deityifpleased will ensure victory in arguments, deflict chronic pain,andbrings success to those engaged in the steel trade.In this application you will find the great collection ofShaniMantras with their Beeja Mantra and Stotra. All Mantras arehavingtheir particular meanings so you will find the audio clipsforthat.This application also including the information part where ausercan get the solutions of his/her problem regarding thatparticulargraha.Key Words:Shani Graha Mantras,Shani Graha,Shani,Graha,Navgraha,vasstore.
Shukar Mantra 1.0
Shukar Graha or Venus Planet !For Shukra or Venus related problems and during the dasaorantardasa of Venus, worship Devi. Recite Shree Sooktam orDevistuti or Durga chalisa. If user have any dosha related toShukarGraha then he/she will find a complete solution for thatdoshahere. Chanting this mantra gives one pleasureable life,goodmarriage, and avoids Kalashtra (marriage) dosha. Also canbechanted for successful business progress.This application also including the information part where ausercan get the solutions of his/her problem regarding thatparticulargraha.Key Words:Shukar Graha Mantra,Shukar,Shukar Mantra,vasstore.
BrihaspatiGraha Mantra 1.0
Brihaspati or Guru Graha or Jupiter Planetisbasically a part of Navgraha.For Guru or Jupiter related problems and during the dasaorantardasa of Guru, worship Lord Shiva. So if a person has anydoshaof Brihaspati Graha then he/she will have to chants themantras ofGuru or Brihaspati Graha. The Guru Gayathri mantra ifchantedreligiously, gives greatest improvement in education andhigh levelof intellect. It also helps to increase satisfactionsandfacilitates marriage and childbirth.This application also including the information part where ausercan get the solutions of his/her problem regarding thatparticulargraha.Key Words:Brihaspati Graha Mantra,Brihaspati,Graha,Navgraha Mantra,Navgraha,vasstore.
KetuGraha Mantra 1.0
Ketu Graha Mantras! This Application have all the major mantras ofKetu Graha. So if any one have any problem related to his/her dasa,antardasa or worship Lord Gaesha then chant these mantras accordingto their preference. Here a user can have five major Mantras ofKetu with their meaning. So it will be very helpful and easy forusers to chant these mantras. This application also including theinformation part where a user can get the solutions of his/herproblem regarding that particular graha. Key Words: Ketu GrahaMantra, Ketu Graha, Ketu, Graha, Navgraha, vasstore.
Shani Mantra 1.0
Shani Graha or Saturn Planet !For Shani or Saturn related problems and during the dasaorantardasa of Shani, worship Lord Hanuman. Recite Hanuman chalisaorany other Hanuman stotra. If a user have any dosha of ShaniGrahathe he/she can chant the Mantras of Shani Graha which weareproviding here in our application. Chanting this mantra reducestheimpact of the unfavourable Shani periods. This planetary deityifpleased will ensure victory in arguments, deflict chronic pain,andbrings success to those engaged in the steel trade.This application also including the information part where ausercan get the solutions of his/her problem regarding thatparticulargraha.Key Words :Shani Mantra,Shani,Graha,vasstore,Shani Graha Mantra
Ganesh Mantra 1.0
God Ganesha Mantra!Ganesha, also spelled Ganesa and Ganesh, also known asPillaiyar,Ganapati and Vinayaka, is one of the best-known and mostwidelyworshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon. His image isfoundthroughout India and Nepal. Hindu sects worship him regardlessofaffiliations.Devotion to Ganesha is widely diffused and extendstoJains, Buddhists, and beyond India.There is most powerful and great mantra of Lord Ganesha.In this application you will have Mantra and their MeaninginHindi with various repeat options for Mantra only.There is an information part also which contains theinformationabout the God Ganesha with their doings and non doings,charity ordonation, fasting, benefits.
Mangal Graha Mantra 1.1
Mangla or Mangal Graha or Mars Planetisbasically a part of Navgraha.For Mangal or Mars related problems and during the dasaorantardasa of Mars worship the ruling deities Kartikeya andShiva.So if a person has any dosha of Mangal Graha then he/she willhaveto chants the mantras of Guru or Mangal Graha. This is agreatremedial mantra for Mangal dosha and helps one to be braveandalert. It also increases determination and drive as wellasprotects one from violence. Praying to the planetary deityMangalalso eases legal difficulties.In this application you will find the great collection ofMangalMantras with their Beeja Mantra and Stotra. All Mantras arehavingtheir particular meanings so you will find the audio clipsforthat.This application also including the information part where ausercan get the solutions of his/her problem regarding thatparticulargraha.Key Words :Mangal Graha Mantra,Mangal,Graha,Mangal Graha,Navgraha,vasstore.